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Arianna Afsari
3084 Tisch Hall


Anna Almore
Graduate Student and Graduate Student Instructor
Tisch 3023A
Chandrica Barua
Doctoral Candidate/ Graduate Student Instructor (GSI)
Jodi Berry
Graduate Student, JPEE | Graduate Student Instructor, EDWP
Tisch Hall 3085
Aaron Bush
Graduate Student/Joint Program in English & Education/GSI
Ian Calloway
Lorch 453D
Alyse Campbell
Graduate Student, Joint Program in English and Education | Graduate Student Mentor, EDWP
Emily Coccia
PhD Candidate in English and Women's & Gender Studies
Anna Cornel
GSI/Sweetland Fellow
Luiza Duarte Caetano
Graduate Student/Comp. Lit
Tisch Hall 3071
Dejan Duric
Graduate Student/American Culture
Tisch Hall 3069
Bailey Flannery
Doctoral Candidate, English Language & Literature
3023A Tisch Hall
Elliot Greiner
GSI/ EDWP and Sweetland Fellow


Daisy Haas
GSI/ Sweetland Fellow
Tugce Kayaal
GSI/Sweetland Fellow
Christopher Kingsland
Graduate Student/E&E
3023D Tisch hall
Michaela Kotziers
Graduate Student, English and Women’s and Gender Studies
Amanda Kubic
Graduate Student/Comp. Lit
3023G Tisch Hall
Brenna Larson
GSI/ EDWP and Sweetland Fellow


Vincent Longo
Graduate Student/Sweetland
Hongling Lu
GSI/Sweetland Fellow
Aleksandra Marciniak
Graduate Student/Sweetland
LaTara McLemore
Doctoral Candidate English Language and Literature
Elizabeth McNeill
Graduate Student/Sweetland Fellow
Holly Nelson
Graduate Student in English Language and Literature/GSI
Kate O'Connor
GSI/ EDWP and Sweetland Fellow


Dylan Ogden
Graduate Student/Linguistics
Sydney Owada Welk
Graduate Researcher, PhD Candidate in English Language & Literature
Joy Peltier
Graduate Student/Linguistics
Alaina Perez
English and Education Doctoral Student/E&E
Kamaria Porter
Graduate Student/Sweetland
Stephanie Renteria
English and Education Graduate Student/E&E
Angell Hall Room 5203
Jody Rust
English & Education Graduate Student
(317) 567-9449
Catherine Schenck
GSI/ EDWP and Sweetland Fellow


Joshua Schulze
GSI/Sweetland Fellow
3047 Tisch Hall
Sydney Tunstall
PhD Candidate in English and Women's & Gender Studies
Melissa Valerie
Graduate Student, Joint Program in English and Education; Graduate Student Instructor
Catherine Ventura
Doctoral Student in the Joint Ph.D. Program in English and Education;Graduate Student Instructor in the English Department Writing Program
Ethan Voss
GSI — English Department Writing Program (EDWP)
3057 Tisch Hall
Rachel Wilson
PhD Candidate GSI/L&L
3091 Tisch Hall