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IS 501/IS 502: Registration


Registration for Winter 2025 is open!

IS 501: Academic Communications Seminar


Meets: Wednesdays 12:00 - 2:00 pm (ET) in person, Weiser 955

Dates: January 22 - April 2, 2025 (10 sessions. No meeting on March 5)

Required Course Fee: $1300*

Space is limited, and a seat in the course is not guaranteed until payment is received. Full payment must be received by the second class meeting. No refunds will be given after this date.

Click the buttons below to register online and pay by credit card or by sponsoring departments. 

The first class session includes an overview of the course, a language and needs assessment, and advising. For more information, email: [email protected] 

*Note: The $1300 course fee is required for all participants. We regret that ELI is unable to provide discounts or fee waivers. Auditors or visitors are not permitted. Thank you for your understanding. 

Some departments/sponsors cover all or part of this fee. Check with your departmental administrator. ELI does not have information about this.