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EIHS Symposium: "Your Dissertation's Future (and What It Means for Writing Your Dissertation Now)"

Friday, October 16, 2015
4:00 AM
1014 Tisch Hall

Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies <br> Friday Series <br> Symposium

This symposium will explore the many possible futures for dissertations in history—historical monographs, journal articles, digital publications, and beyond. Panelists will discuss the intellectual and formal transitions that dissertations undergo after their completion, with an eye toward aiding current dissertators as well as those who are currently considering the future of their work. Panelists include:

  • Deirdre de la Cruz, Assistant Professor of History and Asian Languages & Cultures, University of Michigan
  • Jonathan McLaughlin, Postdoctoral Fellow, Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies, Department of History, University of Michigan
  • Alexa L. Pearce, Librarian for History and American Culture, University of Michigan Library
  • Charles Watkinson, Associate University Librarian for Publishing and Director of the University of Michigan Press
  • Nora Krinitsky (chair), Ph.D. Candidate in History, University of Michigan.

Free and open to the public. Lunch provided.

This event is part of the Friday Series of the Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies. It is made possible by a generous contribution from Kenneth and Frances Aftel Eisenberg.