Thursday, January 22, 2015
5:00 AM
State Theatre
233 South State Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
The Department of History and the Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies invite History students and University of Michigan undergraduates to a free (with U-M ID) screening of the critically acclaimed and much talked about new movie about the civil rights movement, Selma.
The screening takes place at the State Theatre, Thursday, January 22; 4:10 pm, with a short discussion afterwards with comments from:
- Stephen Berrey, Assistant Professor of History and American Culture, University of Michigan
- Matthew Countryman, Associate Professor of History and American Culture, University of Michigan
- Brandi Hughes, Assistant Professor of History and American Culture, University of Michigan
Admission on first-come, first-served basis; tickets for U-M History students and U-M undergraduates paid for by History/EIHS (must present U-M ID); tickets for other guests $7.00.