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2025 MLK Symposium: Where Do We Go From Here?: Perspectives on Race, Democracy and Justice

Jelani Cobb (Dean, Columbia School of Journalism; Staff Writer, New Yorker)
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
6:30-8:00 PM
Helmut Stern Auditorium Museum of Art Map
As part of the University of Michigan's MLK Symposium, please join us for a conversation with three prominent scholars of African American political history about possible futures for movements for racial justice and democratic change during the new presidential administration. Jelani Cobb, dean of the Columbia School of Journalism, staff writer for the New Yorker, and MSNBC political commentator, will engage with U-M professors Angela Dillard and Stephen Ward in a discussion of the challenges, and opportunities, facing advocates for Martin Luther King's vision of racial equality and multiracial democracy in the coming years. Lynette Clemetson, journalist and director of U-M's Wallace House Center for Journalists, will serve as moderator for the event.

Presented by the Department of Afroamerican and African Studies, Department of History, Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies, and Wallace House Center for Journalists. Additional support from the Kalt Fund for African American and African History.
Building: Museum of Art
Event Type: Lecture / Discussion
Tags: Activism, African American, african and african american studies, african and afroamerican studies, African Diaspora, Afroamerican, american culture, Anthropology, Black America, black history, Communication And Media, History, Humanities, Interdisciplinary, Media, Multicultural, Public Policy, Social Justice, Social Sciences
Source: Happening @ Michigan from Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies, Department of Afroamerican and African Studies, Department of History, Wallace House Center for Journalists

The Thursday Series is the core of the institute's scholarly program, hosting distinguished guests who examine methodological, analytical, and theoretical issues in the field of history. 

The Friday Series consists mostly of panel-style workshops highlighting U-M graduate students. On occasion, events may include lectures, seminars, or other programs presented by visiting scholars.

The insitute also hosts other historical programming, including lectures, film screenings, author appearances, and similar events aimed at a broader public audience.