Hip hip hooray! 2018- 2019 EEB grad student awards brag book
"A Very Happy or Very Angry Parrotsnake (Leptophis ahaetula)," Cusuco National Park, Honduras. In this instance, the snake is happy to share all the exciting news. Image: John David Curlis, EEB graduate student and Honorary Photographer of the Year.
In addition to awards previously reported in EEB news throughout the 2018- 2019 academic year, here is a compilation of the rest of the competitive awards EEB graduate students have earned throughout the past academic year:
Rackham Graduate School awards
Camden Gowler, Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship
Iris Holmes, Susan Lipschutz Award and Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship
Joanna Larson, Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship
(featured news on these Rackham awards is forthcoming)
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology awards
Gordon Fitch, Edwin Edwards Scholarship
U-M Museum of Zoology awards
Peter Cerda, E.C. Hinsdale Scholarship
John David Curlis, Charles F. Walker Scholarship
Iris Holmes, Charles F. Walker Scholarship
Thomas Morgan, Ichthyology Graduate Student Scholarship
More about UMMZ graduate student awards
Other U-M awards
Amy-Charlotte Devitz, E.S. George Reserve Graduate Student Scholarship
Nia Johnson, Matthaei Botanical Gardens Research Award
Jillian Myers, Sweetland Center for Writing Junior Fellowship
External awards
Amy-Charlotte Devitz, American Society of Mammalogists Grant-in-Aid of Research
Nia Johnson, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Gilliam Graduate Fellowship grant (featured web news is coming soon on this award)
Jess Millar, American Society for Microbiology Research Capstone Fellowship
Teresa Pegan, American Ornithological Society Research Grant
Awards previously announced in EEB graduate web news are not included in this list. If your competitive award is not included on this list and was not previously announced in EEB web news, please email Gail Kuhnlein to share your good news.