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EEB Thursday Seminar: How to eat something bigger than your head - microbial community assembly at the micron scale

Dr. Otto Cordero, Doherty Professor in Ocean Utilization, Civil and Environmental Eng, MIT
Thursday, December 14, 2017
4:00-5:00 PM
1210 Chemistry Dow Lab Map
In this talk I will present our work showing how ecological interactions control the assembly and function of microbial communities at micro-scales. Using model marine particles composed of a variety of biopolymers commonly found in the ocean, I will show how microbial interactions such as cross-feeding and social cheating lead to rapid successional community assembly on particles. By comparing successions on different biopolymer particles, I’ll show how the bow tie structure of metabolic networks can lead to highly reproducible, convergent community dynamics that are independent of the initial carbon source. Finally, I will argue that community composition, in particular the load of primary degraders to cross-feeders, plays a fundamental role in controlling community function, i.e. the rates of particle turnover in the environment.

View YouTube video of seminar:
Building: Chemistry Dow Lab
Event Type: Lecture / Discussion
Tags: Biology, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ecology, Engineering, Environment, Research, Science
Source: Happening @ Michigan from Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, EEB Thursday Seminars