July 17 - Aug 16, 2019
Earth 440 Earth 440 is a broad, in-depth course covering all aspects of field geology (structure, sedimentology, metamorphic and igneous petrology, geophysics, and surficial processes). The principal goal of the course is to train students to recognize distinct lithological units and their 3-D relationships. Field projects include mapping and interpretation of deformed and faulted sedimentary, regional metamorphic, plutonic, and volcanic complexes. During the later part of the course, mapping projects and field trips will expose students to digital mapping techniques through the use of GeoPads (i.e., ruggedized TabletPCs, GIS software, GPS receivers, and digital data sets.) The course also includes a field project that utilizes modern geophysical tools to supplement traditional field observations and another project that focuses on surficial processes (geologically-relevant processes occurring on the short time scale), which are environmentally and ecologically important.