Congratulations to Earth and Environmental Sciences Michigan Geophysical Union Award winners.
Category: Climate, Oceans, and Environment
1st place morning session. Jenny Bowen: The effect of photodegradation on microbial degradation of DOM depends on the production and removal of labile DOM
2nd place morning session. Xiaojing Du: Relationship between annual precipitation variability and ENSO in Southern California for the Common Era (last 2,000 years)
1st place afternoon session. Kathryn Rico: Associations between redox-sensitive trace metals and microbial communities in a Proterozoic ocean analogue
2nd place afternoon session. Alexander Thompson: Modeling the Diagnostic Effects of Vegetation, Soil Albedo, and Dust on Mid-Holocene North African Climate
Category: Geophysics, Geochemistry, and Tectonics
1st place morning session. Ben Gebarski: Surface-Mediated Reactions of Uranyl Peroxide Materials U60 and Studtite at the Mineral-Electrolyte Interface
2nd place morning session. Mark Robbins: Lasting Effects of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods on Subglacial Drainage Networks
1st place afternoon session. Will Bender: Determining the Kinetics of Discrete Aqueous Redox Reaction Sub-Steps Using Computational Methods: Application to Reactions of Plutonyl (PuO2+/2+) with Fe2+, Fe3+, and Hydroxyl Radical (•OH)
2nd place afternoon session. Sha Chen: Trace element partitioning between olivine and melt inclusion in lunar samples
Category: Undergraduate Awards
1st place. Anne Rosett: Geochemical Fingerprinting of Spinel from Tanzania and Mozambique for the Purpose of Gem Exploration and Heat Treatment
2nd place. Lauren VanWagoner: Stable carbon isotope signatures and their relation to atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, growth form, climate, and phylogeny in palms