On October 24th through the 26th the Department hosted the annual meeting of it’s Alumni Advisory Board. The board is composed of friends from a number of industries, academia, and government. They meet regularly to share their insights into the current and future state of the Earth and environmental sciences and to review the progress of our programs.

Board members also shared their experience and advice with graduate and undergraduate students. The held a career panel for students in which they shared their own often unexpected paths after the UM, and led a teaching workshop.

On Friday board member, alumnus, and visiting professor John Geissman gave a talk titled “What Really  Happened in the Continental Realm During the First of Three Great Global Extinctions?:  The Chronostratigraphy of Beaufort Group Strata Deposited Across the Permian/Triassic Boundary, Karoo Basin, South Africa? (and other musings)”

The event was not all business. On Saturday the department hosted a somewhat damp tailgate before the victory against Notre Dame.

We thank the board for its ongoing contribution to the future of Michigan EARTH.

Learn more about the Alumni Advisory Board.