Professor of Physics; Professor of Biophysics
Professor Zochowski’s laboratory group focuses on trying to understand mechanisms of the formation of spatiotemporal patterns in coupled dynamical systems, with special focus on their applicability and role during information processing in the brain. To achieve this, they connect theoretical as well as experimental approaches. Theoretical studies focus on synchronization and dynamical control in simple nonlinear systems (e.g. coupled Rossler, Lorenz oscillators, map systems), as well as in more complex, biologically feasible, computational models. They are especially interested in coupled systems with self-adaptive units that could model neuromodulatory processes in the neural systems. From the experimental side, they employ optical imaging systems (CCD camera and/or photodiode array) to monitor activity of large neuronal populations. Dependent on the experimental design, they can monitor spatially averaged population response of many cells or spiking activity of many separate neurons. Those techniques are applied to: 1) monitor changing patterns of spike interactions between cultured neurons, and 2) monitor odor evoked oscillations in (in vivo) olfactory bulb.
Selected Publications
Inter- and Intra- Network Communications During Bursting Dynamics: Applications to Seizure Prediction, (S. Feldt, H. Osterhage, F. Mormann, K. Lehnertz, M. Zochowski), Phys Rev. E (in print) (2007).
Causal Entropies – a Measure for Determining Changes in the Temporal Organization of Neural Systems, (J. Waddell, R. Dzakpasu, V. Booth, B.T. Riley, J.D. Reasor, G.R. Poe, M. Zochowski), J. Neurosci. Meth. 162, 320-332 (2007).
Simple Dynamical Process May Underlie Memory Reactivation During Sleep, (P. Jablonski, G.R. Poe, M. Zochowski), Phys Rev E 75, 011912 (2007).
Binaral Interaction Modulates Olfactory Bulb Response to Odorant History, (B.H. Singer, S. Kim, M. Zochowski), Phys Rev E 75, 011912 (2007).
Measuring Properties of Phase Synchronization in a Network of Coupled Oscillators, (R. Dzakpasu, K. Patel, N. Robinson, M. Harrington, M. Zochowski), Chaos 16, (2006).
Network Reorganization Driven by Temporal Interdependence of Its Elements, (J. Waddell, M. Zochowski), 16, 023106 (2006).
Local Driving and Global Interactions in the Progression of Seizure Dynamics, (B. Singer, M. Derchansky, P. Carlen, M. Zochowski), Phys Rev E 73, 021910 (2006).
The Formation of Temporal Representation Based on Resolved Sequences of Selective Feature Binding, (S. Kim, B. Singer, M. Zochowski), Neural Comp. 18, 794-816 (2006).
Transition From Local to Global Phase Synchrony in Small World Neural Network and Its Possible Implications for Epilepsy, (B. Percha, R. Dzakpasu, J. Parent, M. Zochowski), Phys Rev E 72,031909 (2005).
Odorant Presentation History Dependent Oscillations in the Olfactory Bulb, (M. Zochowski, L.B. Cohen), Neurophysiol. 94, 2667-2675 (2005).
Changes in Synchrony and Phase Synchrony Between Individual Neurons in Normal and Epileptic Brain, (R. Dzakpasu, M. Zochowski), Physica D 208 115-122 (2005).
Adaptation Through Minimization of the Phase Lag in Coupled Non-Identical Systems, (R. Dzakpasu, M. Zochowski), Chaos 14, 583 (2004).
Conditional Entropies; Phase Synchronization and Changes in the Directionality of Information Flow in Neural Systems, (M. Zochowski, R. Dzakpasu), J. Physics A 37, 3823-34 (2004).
Adaptation of Nonlinear Systems Through Dynamic Entropy Estimation, (M. Zochowski, R. Dzakpasu), J. Physics A 37, 2223-2237 (2004).