The Complex Systems Advanced Academic Workshop is going strong this year under the leadership of two first time coordinators. The workshop was born out of the IGERT grant years (and funds) that started in the early 2000’s and continues today.

From the CSAAW website: CSAAW is a friendly, low-pressure environment where presenters can expect feedback from a highly intellectually diverse audience united by an interest in complex systems. CSAAW is a perfect venue for researchers to (a) present work using complex systems methods to an audience that is familiar with complex systems tools, (b) gather a wide range of feedback on complex systems research from many different disciplinary perspectives, or (c) discuss work that advances complex-systems methods.

Max is a Physics PhD student doing research with Mark Newman.


Conrad is an Economics PhD student who teaches CMPLXSYS 351 for CSCS and currently is a GSI for CMPLXSYS 100 - our new introductory course taught by Marisa Eisenberg.

Both coordinators can be reached at this email: