LSA Technology Services Jaron Fox wins HDI (Help Desk Institute) Motown’s Best Service and Support Analyst

Jaron Fox from the LSA Technology Services Service Desk wins HDI chapter award for Best Service and Support Analyst.
by Michael Douglas, Customer Experience Team Manager

The Help Desk Institute (HDI) is an organization designed to support IT-focused service centers on industry standards, best practices, and service-oriented education. Each year the local chapters for HDI host an award ceremony to nominate the region’s top Support Analyst and Support Technician. The LSA Technology Services Service Desk nominated Jaron Fox for the Best Service and Support Analyst for 2019. This award recognizes tier 1 support staff on:

  • being well-rounded in technical aptitude, team orientation, customer service skills, and people skills
  • having a positive attitude and enthusiasm
  • being committed to sharing their knowledge and problem-solving techniques with peers

Fox was nominated because he champions all of these qualities and demonstrates outstanding passion and consistency in delivering delightful customer experiences. Over the past year, he has led a large initiative in developing a Customer Service Training Module for all new Service Desk staff members. Utilizing his prior experience in teaching, he has been a great peer leader and guide to all new and current staff members in what delightful customer service looks like. Fox has been an advocate for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) on the Service Desk and is a member of the LSA Technology Services DEI committee. He manages communications and templates for when large issues arise and works with the Science Learning Center on network drive restructure. This is all in addition to being the top contributor in positive customer feedback, support tickets resolved, and creating Knowledge Base content. 

Congratulations to Jaron Fox on being awarded the HDI Motown Chapter recipient for the Best Service and Support Analyst for 2019! This is a big honor and a well-deserved award for an outstanding team member. Please join us in celebrating his great work.

Release Date: 05/14/2020
Category: Innovate Newsletter
Tags: Technology Services


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