On May 12, University of Michigan graduate students Matthew Woodbury (Ph.D. Candidate, History) and Kate Silbert (Ph.D. Candidate, History and Women's Studies) celebrated the designation of Dr. Bob's Home as a National Historic Landmark. The property, in Akron, Ohio, played a critical part in the founding of Alcoholics Anonymous

The ceremony culminated an 18-month application process, which was led by Woodbury, Silbert, and other graduate students in Professor Michelle McClellan's fall 2011 public history seminar. The project received funding from the Eisenberg Institute's Public History Initiative. Read Woodbury and Silbert's account of the undertaking in a guest post on "Points: The Blog of the Alcohol and Drugs History Society."

Photo (left to right): Matthew Woodbury, Harmon Velie (Chair, Dr. Bob's Home Board of Directors), and Kate Silbert at Dr. Bob's Home.