"For some Muslim men, dress offers a form of racial and religious resistance and redemption.

Typically, when we talk about Islam and fashion the focus is on women. This is true even when the women in question are not Muslim. Recall Melania and Ivanka Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia in May. Media coverage, particularly from the White supremacist alt-right, interpreted their uncovered heads as a pro-gender equality, and thus pro-democracy, statement to the “Muslim world.” The Trump women were read this way because for many on the political right and left, Muslim women’s dress is a sign of patriarchal domination. This type of thinking is part of what motivates burqa bans in France and questions like “Does your husband make you wear that?,” which Muslim women receive on the streets of the United States. All of this points to the ways a Muslim woman’s style of dress is entangled in broader questions of gender, religion, and power."

Read the whole article HERE!