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Research Incubator Grants

Designed to spark compelling conversations, the DSI Research Incubator Grants bring together small groups of faculty, lecturers, research scientists, librarians, curators, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students from a range of fields to invigorate and extend connections and research agendas around technology and social justice.

DSI Governing Faculty may apply for $5,000 incubator grants to support the creation of collaborative, intergenerational labs working on emerging research areas. Funding may be used to support activities in a wide variety of formats, including (but not limited to) reading or working groups, seminar series, or workshops for a core group of researchers.

DSI space may be reserved for lab meetings. DSI staff are available to assist faculty in extending this incubator funding by developing larger funding proposals, both internal and external to the university.

Eligibility and Deadline: DSI Governing Faculty & DSI Postdoctoral Fellows are eligible to apply. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. For any questions please contact the DSI Program Manager, Jessica H. Riggs at [email protected].