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Artemis Leontis

C P Cavafy Professor of Modern Greek Studies, Professor of Modern Greek, Department of Classical Studies and Professor of Compartive Literature, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

[email protected]

Office Information:

2156 Angell Hall
435 South State St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

phone: 734.764.0360

Comparative Literature; Mediterranean; Southeastern Europe; Translation Studies; Classical Reception Studies; Film and Media; Gender and Women's Studies; Race and Ethnicity; Migration and Diaspora; Colonialism and Postcolonialism


Ph.D. Comparative Studies, Ohio State University, Division of Comparative Studies and Graduate School, 1991
M.A. Ancient Greek, Ohio State University, Department of Classics, 1984
B.A. Religious Studies and Studio Art, Oberlin College, 1979