The conference focuses on new approaches to colonial Latin American studies, moving away from “conquerer” and conquered” binaries to a more multivalent model of negotiation and contestation. The two days of the conference will feature five panels and two keynote talks. All are welcome to attend!
Panels begin at 1:45pm on Thursday and 12pm on Friday
Keynote talks:
Peter Gose, Professor of Anthropology, Carleton University
“Resonating Impurities: Proto-Primitivism in Seventeenth-Century Lima”
Thursday, September 26, 4:30pm – 5:45pm
José Rabasa, Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures, Harvard University
“Voice in Fernando de Alva Ixtlilxochitl’s Historical Writings”
Friday, September 27, 5pm – 6 :30pm
Brief description of keynote speakers and their talks:
Professor Gose’s recent work takes up the concept of “purity of blood” as an early modern Spanish racism. His publications include Deathly Waters and Hungry Mountains: Agrarian Ritual and Class Formation in an Andean Town (2004) and Invaders as Ancestors: On the Intercultural Making and Unmaking of Spanish Colonialism in the Andes (2008). His keynote talk addresses the way in which, in colonial Lima, a complex differential racism arose as certain devalued but intensely desired goods (like sex, health and wealth) were mapped onto blacks and Indians.
Professor Rabasa has written extensively on colonial Latin American historiography, with a particular focus on central and northern Mexico. Most recently he has published Without History: Subaltern Studies, the Zapatista Insurgency, and the Specter of History (2010) and Tell Me the Story of How I Conquered You: Elsewheres and Ethnosuicide in the Colonial Mesoamerican World (2012). His talk will explore the way in which ancient Mesoamerican historiographical traditions, both poetic and pictorial, resonate in the historical works of Fernando de Ixtlilxochitl.
This event is sponsored by the department of History of Art with support from Romance Languages and Literatures, Screen Arts and Cultures, American Culture, Anthropology, Philosophy, Comparative Literature, Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies, Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshop, Dean's Strategic Initiatives, and the International Institute.
Please direct any questions to the conference email address: [email protected].