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WHY COMPARE? Panel Discussion Sequel

Monday, March 28, 2011
4:00 AM
1014 Tisch Hall

This interdepartmental panel will continue an open discussion about the idea of comparison, with Professors Charlie Bright (History and Residential College), Geoff Eley (History), June Howard (English, American Culture, and Women's Studies), Webb Keane (Anthropology), Vassilis Lambropoulos (Classical Studies and Comparative Literature), Yopie Prins (English and Comparative Literature), George Steinmetz (Sociology and Germanic Languages and Literatures), and Xiaobing Tang (Asian Languages and Cultures and Comparative Literature). Please contact [email protected] for online access to read panelist responses to the "Comparison" issue of New Literary History (posted on Ctools). This event is a sequel to the panel discussion on February 18, 2011, also sponsored by the Department of Comparative Literature's "Year of Comparison."