Adopting a social scientific approach, the Media and Risk (MaR) Lab investigates topics that are related to media and risk. Led by Dr. Hang Lu, the MaR Lab examines how the media portray risk issues, how the public respond to these portrayals and how to design messages to communicate risk issues effectively. Risk issues that are of interest to the MaR Lab include risks related to health, environment, energy, disaster, politics, finance and so on. Viewing risk perception as a multidimensional concept, the MaR Lab primarily focuses on studying the deliberative, affective and experiential components of audience’s reactions to risk issues. Members of the MaR Lab have examined a wide range of risk issues, such as infectious diseases (e.g., COVID-19 and Zika), climate change, vaccination, obesity, genetically modified food, emerging technologies, intergroup conflicts, and human-wildlife conflicts. The MaR Lab encourages both independent and interdisciplinary, collaborative work.
Contact Information:
Faculty Coordinator: Professor Hang Lu
Email: [email protected]