• "Response to Margaret Malamud, African Americans and the Classics: Antiquity, Abolition and Activism." - Heidi Morse
  • "Proclus on Analogy" - Matteo Milesi
  • "The Invention of Greek 'Literature'" - Ruth Scodel
  • "Of hornets and humans: the etymology of anthrōpos" - Richard Janko
  • Colloquium: "Death in the Polis: Social Context and Identities in Greek Mortuary Practice." - co-chairing, Elina Salminen
  • "Gymnasia for the Soul: Proclus and the First Lines of the Parmenides" - Alex Tarbet
  • "Past and Present Research at Notion, Turkey: Using Museum and Archival Material to Contextualize New Results." - Christina Difabio
  • "Regional Archaeology in the Peja and Istog Districts of Kosova (RAPID-Kosova): Results of the 2018 Field Season" - Michael L. Galaty
  • 3J: Non-Roman Elites: Tracking Persistence and Change in Central Italy through the Roman Conquest (Colloquium) Organizer: J. Troy Samuels
    • Introduction: Nicola Terrenato
    • Local Elites and the Roman Transition in Northern Etruria: J. Troy Samuels and Emily Lime, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
    • Diverse Elite Identities in Southern Central Italy: Amelia Eichengreen and Parrish Wright
    • Voices of the Dead: Examining Central Italian Elites through Funerary Evidence: Alexandra Creola and Arianna Zapelloni Pavia
    • Continuity through Difference: The Fate of the “Samnite” Elite through the Roman Conquest: Leah Bernardo-Ciddior, Sheira Cohen, and James Faulkner
  • "The Lure of the Mines: Mining, Labor, and Local Industries in Carthago Nova (Cartagena, Spain)" - Linda Gosner
  • "Mining Matters: Regional and Imperial Connectivity in the Mining Landscapes of Roman Iberia" - Linda Gosner
  • Integrating Multi-Scalar Remote Sensing and Pedestrian Survey: Results from the 2018 Season of the Sinis Archaeological Project (by J. Nowlin, L. Gosner, A. Smith, and D. Plekhov) - Linda Gosner
  • "Augustine, Manichaeism, and the Allegorical Interpretation of Creation: Foundations of an Androcentric Anthropology." - David Morphew
  • "The Sacred Architecture of Notion" - Christopher Ratte