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CFC Translation Workshop with Prof. Oliver Taplin

Wednesday, March 28, 2012
4:00 AM
Classics Library, 2175 Angell

Co-sponsored by Contexts for Classics and the Department of Classical Studies.

During Prof. Taplin's visit, he will lead an informal workshop on classical translation, focusing in particular on translating Greek tragedy from ancient Greek to literary English.

Graduate students or advanced undergraduate are invited to apply. They are expected to pre-circulate their own literary version (preferably in verse) of a passage from Sophocles.

The passage selected by Prof. Taplin is lines 555-581 from "The Women of Trachis" (otherwise known as "Trachiniae" or "Deianeirae").

If you are interested in participating in this workshop, please email Yopie Prins no later than February 15. Your statement of interest should include information about your departmental affiliation and year of study, your academic interests, your background in ancient Greek, and any previous experience as a translator.