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Bridge M.A. in Classical Studies

The M.A. in Classical Studies (Bridge M.A.) is a fully funded, three-semester program designed to assist promising students in Classical Studies, Ancient Philosophy, Ancient History, or Greek and Roman Archaeology in developing the Ancient Greek and Latin language skills needed to pursue a Ph.D. in Classical Studies.

Exceptional students with demonstrated potential for graduate study will gain research, language, and teaching experience while interacting with other graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty through one-on-one meetings, seminars, and research symposia.  

Individuals from non-traditional backgrounds, ethnically diverse cultures, or first-generation college students are particularly encouraged to apply. 

For more information about the Bridge M.A. Program, please contact: 

Associate Professor Margaret Foster, Bridge MA Program Director: [email protected]

Sarah Kandell, Graduate Program Coordinator: [email protected] or 734-615-3181