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Teacher Resources

Copley Latin Day 2024 Preliminary Readings

These materials are by no means mandatory preliminary materials for any of the lectures, workshops, or activities happening at CLD. They are here simply to serve as a resource for teachers who may wish to orient their lessons towards the material to be covered in the days/weeks leading up to the event. Direct links to the material have been provided where possible. Enjoy!

Teacher Resources

CLD24 Teacher Resources

General Readings About STEM and Classics

Readings Pertaining to Specific Lectures/Workshops/Activities

A Constellation is Born: Netta Berlin

A Year in the Life of an Ancient Doctor: Madeleine Harris

Are You Smarter Than a Roman Naturalist?: Hannah Resnick and Elizabeth Zollner 

Epicurus’ Swerve. Can we preserve free will in a deterministic world?: Sara Ahbel-Rappe

Excavations at the Cemetery at Kelsopolis: Stephanie Wottreng-Hale

Greek and Roman Aqueducts in Anatolia: Christopher Ratté 

Introduction to Bronze Age Archaeology: Rebecca Sanders

Operation Skill Game: Gladiator Edition: Alanna Heatherly

Pliny the Elder -- a martyr of science: Donka Markus

Roman Tragedy: Cosmic Upheaval in Accius’ Atreus and Seneca’s Thyestes: Shaun Espenshade

Small Science for Big Questions: Laura Motta

The Science Behind the Mask: Joseph Droegemueller

The Science of the Roman Empire: Ian Fielding

Using Artificial Intelligence to decipher Ancient Scrolls: Richard Janko

AI will let us read ‘lost’ ancient works in the library at Herculaneum for the first time: McCosker, Michael

What’s in a Name?: Ben Fortson