MiCORES is used for scheduling and billing at the SMART Center.
To register for an account:
- Navigate to the MiCORES landing page: micores.umich.edu
- At the top right-hand side of the page, click the blue button labeled "sign-up" to get started
- A pop up will appear with options to create an account for an internal user or an external user. In the "UMich user:" section click the hyperlink labeled, "here" to begin your account creation.
- You will be redirected to the UM Weblogin page to login using your uniqname and Level1 (Kerberos) password. Note: you may have to complete the two-factor (Duo) authentication process before you can begin the registration process.
- On the 'Start' tab of the registration page, enter your U-M email address in the uniqname@umich.edu format. Note: If you are a Michigan Medicine employee, please do NOT add 'med' to the email address.
- Please enter your First Name, Last Name and Phone Number (optional, but recommended)
- Enter or select University of Michigan as your affiliated institution (the system will offer autocomplete predictions for your entry after you enter 2 or more characters)
- Select the appropriate primary role for your account
- Enter or select your PI by typing their name in the format: LastName, FirstName to select the appropriate lab you are associated with (the system will offer autocomplete predictions for your entry after you enter 2 or more characters). After selecting the appropriate PI/Lab, click "Complete".
- You should receive on-screen confirmation of your submission, and an email confirmation of your account request. Within 24 hours of receipt of that email, you should receive an account confirmation "Welcome to iLab" email with steps to login to MiCORES.
- Once your registration has been submitted, your PI will receive a notification that you have requested membership to their lab in MiCORES. They will need to approve your membership and assign any UMICH shortcode for your use. Your PI can find instructions for this process here.