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Designating Shortcodes for MiCORES


Assigning shortcodes to your researchers

The SMART Center uses MiCORES for scheduling and billing.  Before using our instrumentation, you must designate which shortcodes your students and researchers are allowed to use: 

  1. Click here to log-in:
  2. You will use your UMICH credentials to log into MiCORES (Duo authentication is also enabled and required)
  3. Once logged in, look for the link in the left-hand menu that says 'My Groups'. Hover-over and select your lab.
  4. Click the ‘Membership Requests & Short Codes’ tab (if simply assigning shortcodes to existing members, skip to step 7).  
  5. New membership requests will show at the top of this page.
  6. Click ‘Approve’ to accept a member into your lab. Click ’Reject’ if they are not a member of your lab.
  7. To assign a UMICH shortcode to a member of your lab, navigate to the, ‘Manage Short Codes’ section of the page.
  8. Select the checkbox(es) to the right of the appropriate member name for the shortcode(s) you wish to assign them.   If you notice a shortcode is missing, please Request Access to Additional Shortcodes (located on the same page).


NOTE:  If you would prefer to delegate this process and future notifications/approvals to a financial or lab manager/designee, please email [email protected] with their name and email.


More detailed instructions are available on the U-M MiCORES learning site (log in with your uniqname and level1 password if prompted).