Ziyuan Chen: October 2019 Student of the Month
Hometown: Jiangsu, China
Major/Track: Biophysics
Lab/Group: Julie Biteen Lab
What classes have you most enjoyed? Biophysics 520 — Biophysical Chemistry I (Methods & Techniques);
Statistics 600 ( Applied statistics and data analysis I)
What inspired you to major in Biophysics? The desire to bring more quantitative observation in biological system.
What advice would you give to students considering a major in Biophysics at the University of Michigan? Always keep learning new skills and knowledge. Biophysics is the best program for you to learn things and benefit from both biology and physics sides.
What do you hope to do after graduating from Michigan? I hope to do post-doc still in biophysical field, then probably academia or research institute.
What is your favorite place on campus? CCRB
What else do you want us to know? The experience at UM biophysics for now really helps me growing up and accelerating on my desired life track. Thanks everyone!