February Student of the Month: Guoming Gao
Hometown: Guangzhou (Canton), China
Major/Track: Single Molecule Biophysics
What inspired you to major in Biophysics? Quantifying the detailed mechanism of life and developing general theory on biology!
What class have you most enjoyed? Biophysical Modeling by Dr. Sarah Veatch
Have you participated in an internship or a research experience? I had an internship doing x-ray crystallography at UTSW Medical Center before joining UMich
What advice would you give to students considering a major in Biophysics at the University of Michigan? Work hard, have fun, and check out the club. (Contact me for info!) Biophysics is a challenging major, but well worth it, as by the end of the major, your options for future study or employment are near limitless.
What do you hope to do after graduating from Michigan? I think I would proceed to a post-doc position in another top university like umich in order to get into the academia and find a faculty position at the end. It depends on how my specific research interest grow in the future years.
What is your favorite place on campus? Hatcher Graduate Library South Floor 6. The view is nice. It has some comfy chairs and tables while being very quiet.