December Student of the Month: Hayden Nunley
Hometown: Oklahoma City, OK
Major/Track: Biophysics PhD Candidate
Campus Organizations: Biophysics Graduate Student Council
What inspired you to major in Biophysics? I participated in an REU (undergraduate research) with David Lubensky in Biophysics when I was a junior in undergrad. I realized that I was very interested in studying biological systems in a quantitative way, so I chose to pursue a PhD in Biophysics.
Have you participated in an internship or a research experience? I have not participated in an internship in grad school. I did participate in a summer school on Active Matter in Les Houches, France.
What advice would you give to students considering a major in Biophysics at the University of Michigan? Biophysics is a big field. I recommend finding a few faculty members whose research interests you in particular. Dig into some of their papers, and check if you could do research with one of them. Don't get distracted by how broad Biophysics is. Choose a particular topic, and dive in.
What do you hope to do after graduating from Michigan? I would like to work in scientific policy, or become a professor at a liberal arts college.
What is your favorite place on campus? Kelsey Museum
Exciting news! I got an NSF graduate research fellowship in the Physics of Living Systems. I also got to teach Physical Chemistry for undergraduates in Biophysics.