Undergraduate students interested in taking BIOPHYS 117 this upcoming winter can enroll in BIOPHYS 131. The course is the same--only the number has changed. The course description is below.

Biophysics 131 (formerly 117) - "Python Programming for the Sciences"

(3 credits) This hands-on interactive course introduces students to the basic programming concepts to assist in reading, processing, producing, and visualizing scientific data. This course gives students the skills needed to independently use computers to conduct basic scientific analysis, and to use and apply resources available online to extend the reach of their coding abilities. While the majority of the course content will be undertaken using Python, a free programming platform that is widely used in the sciences, the emphasis of the class will be on obtaining skills that span programming languages and platforms. The course is structured as a “working laboratory” with students working during class time on instructor-provided coding exercises or student-initiated coding projects. The course uses the GradeCraft course management system and there are no exams. This introductory course is not intended for students who already have extensive programming knowledge.

Make an Academic Advising appointment with us through the LSA Advising Portal.

Please email all advising questions to: [email protected]