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STUDENT SYMPOSIUM: Travel stipends available to undergrads interested in attending the Nathan Shock Symposium...Apply by:

Tuesday, September 15, 2015
4:00 AM

The UTHSCSA Integrated Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program and the Barshop Institute are offering travel stipends (covering air-fare and lodging and meals during the meeting) for undergraduates interested in attending the 2015 San Antonio Nathan Shock Symposium. This year’s symposium is "Metabolism and Aging: From Molecular Physiology to Systems Biology" and will be held October 15-18, 2015.  The keynote speaker is Dr. James Kirkland, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN. A full list of speakers can be found at:

This symposium will offer promising undergraduates who are interested in aging research the opportunity to meet world-class investigators in a small-meeting setting, as well as to learn about our graduate program from both faculty and students.

Applications must be received SOON in order to ensure time to make travel arrangements. Interested students may apply for this opportunity by emailing the following, by September 15th to:

Dr. Peter Hornsby
Director, Biology of Aging Discipline
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
[email protected]

Applications should include the following information:
1. Name
2. Academic institution
3. Expected year of graduation
4. Major and GPA
5. Brief statement regarding interest in aging research
6. Names and email addresses for two individuals who can serve as references.