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EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: The USGS-Greal Lake Science Center is seeking student contractors/technicians...

Friday, April 3, 2015
4:00 AM
Ann Arbor

Ann Arbor based
field and lab technician
summer 2015


Study algal dynamics in Lakes Eire, Huron, and Michigan!  The USGS-Great Lakes Science Center is seeking 3-4 student contractors/ technicians for the 2015 field season.  Contractors will conduct field studies and lab analysis of water quality and Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) including boat surveys, sample collection and processing, and data management and analysis; with the potential to participate in writing and presenting results.  

Both summer and summer-fall positions, starting in May  -  Must be a currently enrolled (undergrad or grad) student as of March 2015 or have graduated within the last year  -  Must be comfortable working in boats, able to lift 50 lbs safely, and have a valid driver’s license  -  Evening work and overnight travel expected  


To apply: send résumé and cover letter to
Dr. Mary Anne Evans
([email protected])
with “field and lab technician” in subject line