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EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY STARTING ASAP: Lab and Field Technician Needed for project on invasive plants...

Thursday, March 19, 2015
4:00 AM
E.S. George Reserve in Pinckney, MI, UMBS on Douglas Lake in Pellston, MI, Ann Arbor, MI

Lab and field technician needed for project on invasive plants


Up to 50% time starting as soon as possible and full time over the summer.  The potential exists for continued half time work over the following year.

Assistance is needed for a project studying the mechanisms of plant invasion in wetlands and the consequences of invasion for ecosystem services at the E.S. George Reserve in Pinckney, MI and UM Biological Station (UMBS) on Douglas Lake in Pellston, MI.  Work involves plant and soil sample processing and basic data management using Excel during the academic year.  During the field season, work includes maintaining 100 outdoor experimental wetland mesocosms at the two field locations, censusing wetland plants in the mesocosms, and soil and water sampling.  Strong Excel skills and previous field experience required, along with ability to work independently, solve problems, and be highly reliable. Experience in wetland plant identification is helpful but can be trained if needed.  During the field season this research assistant is expected to be in Ann Arbor for most of the time, with short trips approximately monthly to UMBS.   

Please send a letter describing your background and interest in the position, a CV, and names and contact information for at least two references to Dr. Deborah Goldberg, [email protected]