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VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: U of M's Chapter of Unearth the World is looking for members ...

Sunday, November 30, 2014
5:00 AM
Ann Arbor

What is Unearth the World?
Unearth the World (UTW) is an international volunteer placement company that focuses on volunteer education (pre and post-trip), community impact and financial transparency.  We partner with nonprofits that address social problems and connect them with volunteers to help them complete their mission. To learn more about Unearth the World, visit our website:

Why is Unearth the World at Michigan?!
Students from UM’s campus have launched an Unearth the World student chapter in order to create a vibrant community of service-minded global citizens. This student organization is the first UTW-based university chapter. Like us on Facebook:

Members of Unearth the World UM Chapter will have opportunities to socialize, volunteer internationally and locally, fundraise and participate in communal philanthropic endeavors.   

If you are interested in any of the following, we would love for you to join our community!  

• Responsible Travel
• Student Leadership
• Multicultural Community
• Global Awareness
• Volunteering
• Philanthropy

Please email Azad at [email protected] for more information.