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INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITY: Binder Park Zoo is offering upaid summer internships...

Wednesday, April 30, 2014
4:00 AM
Binder Park Zoo, Battle Creek, MI

Binder Park Zoo, located in Battle Creek, MI, is currently looking for interns in Animal Care, Education, Horticulture, Photography/Graphics, and Marketing. The intern should preferably be available to work beginning of May to end of August, though the length of the internship can be negotiated further.

Binder Park Zoo's mission is to nurture empathy, understanding, and conservation of nature.

Opened in 1977, Binder Park Zoo resides on 433 acres of natural forests and wetlands. Each year, over 30,000 children and adults receive the benefit of the Zoo's formal and informal educational programs. The Zoo is home to over 140 species, and includes one of the largest giraffe herds in the country. The Zoo is an active participant in 161 Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) Species Survival Programs and manages several other rare and endangered species, such as the snow leopard, for conservation. It affects the cultural, educational, and financial prosperity of the region by significantly upgrading the quality of life. Voted one of the best day trips and one of the top family vacations in Michigan by the 1.7 million members of the AAA.

Binder Park Zoo is one of the handful of self-supporting non-profit zoos in North America. The Zoo is funded purely through operations, gifts, and grants.

If interested, please visit <>
to apply and for more information.

Call 269-979-1351 for questions, or e-mail Jenny Barnett, Director of Wildlife, Conservation & Education at [email protected]

All internships are unpaid. Please visit <>
for information on how to apply for stipends to cover the costs of the unpaid internship.