RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY: Ohio State is now accepting applications for it's summer research experience for undergraduates... Apply by:
Undergraduate Research Scholarships on Lake Erie
Applications for the 2014 Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Scholarship Program at Stone Lab, Ohio State’s island campus on Lake Erie, are due by 5 p.m. Friday, February 21.
The program allows college juniors and seniors from across the country to complete a five-week independent field research project with a Stone Lab faculty mentor while taking classes at the lab. Students spend much of their time outdoors, learning science hands-on and in the field, and seeing how what they learn applies directly to the Lake Erie ecosystem.
REU students are also required to take one five-week course while doing research at the lab. The following courses, running June 22 - July 26, can be paired with the REU experience.
Aquatic Ecosystems – Ecology of Inland Waters
Field Zoology
Classes are open to college students from any U.S. university.
Questions? Email us at [email protected] or call the Stone Lab Columbus Office at 614-292-8949.