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CONTEST: The Science Learning Center announces its 2014 Science As Art Contest... Enter by:

Friday, January 10, 2014
5:00 AM
Ann Arbor

The Science Learning Center (SLC) is excited to announce a 2014 Science As Art Contest for currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate students!

We are seeking submissions of artwork that express scientific principles, concepts, ideas, processes, and/or structures. The artwork may be visual, literary, musical, video or performance-based. Depending upon the number and types of submissions received, cash prizes will be awarded based on categories which may include: Best Overall; By Discipline; By Format; Quality of Artistic Expression; Individual and Team; or Student Status such as 1st year, sophomore, etc.

The submission deadline is Friday, January 10th, 2014.  Entries will be submitted electronically to [email protected].  Entries will be judged by a faculty and staff team with diverse backgrounds in science, literature, education, and art.  

From 3–5 PM on Friday, January 31, we will host a Science As Art Contest Exhibition and Awards Ceremony in the Gallery in Room 100 of Hatcher Graduate Library on the UM’s Central Campus. We will invite the contest winners and finalists to display and discuss their work with the University Community.

More information about the contest is available here.  I've also attached a printable poster for you to hang on any bulletin boards for your students.  If you have any questions about the contest, please contact us at [email protected].