Undergraduate Research Positions in Ecology
The Cardinale Lab in the School of Natural Resources and the Environment seeks to understand how modern biodiversity loss affects the goods and services that nature provides humanity. We are currently looking to hire three new undergraduates to assist with ongoing research projects, and to help them build their professional resumes with experience in ecology.
Responsibilities: Undergraduate assistants help set-up and run laboratory and field experiments, prepare equipment and culture media, collect and process biological samples, and enter and manage data. Students also attend weekly lab meetings and discussion groups to learn more about conservation biology and ecology. Opportunities for independent research are available once a student establishes sufficient expertise.
Salary & hours: Research assistants earn $10.00 per hour, and must be available to work 12-20 hours per week. Schedules are flexible, though hours will generally be scheduled between 8AM and 6PM Monday through Friday. Occasional work in evenings and on weekends may be needed as experiments require.
Experience: Applicants should be majoring in Ecology or a related field, have some prior lab experience (either through classes, or via work), knowledge of basic lab equipment, and familiarity with sterile techniques. Because research often requires repetition and meticulous attention to detail, good record-keeping and organizational skills are essential.
To Apply: Send an email to Dr. Brad Cardinale at [email protected]. Include (a) a cover letter describing your interest in the work, your relevant experience and your availability, (b) your curriculum vitae, (c) your unofficial transcripts, and (d) the name and contact information for two references. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the positions are filled.