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FALL 2013 SCHOLARSHIP: Thermo Fisher Scientific is offering our future science scholars an opportunity to win $10,000 in scholarship funding... Apply by:

Wednesday, July 31, 2013
4:00 AM
University of Michigan

2013-2014 Fall Thermo Scientific Pierce Scholarship Award

Thermo Fisher Scientific is offering our future science scholars an opportunity to win $10,000 in scholarship funding for the 2013-2014 Fall semester. This scholarship was created to help provide educational opportunities for the future generation of scientists. Graduate students or undergraduate students must be enrolled in an accredited college for the 2013-2014 Fall semester to qualify for this scholarship. A pre-selected committee will award two $10,000 scholarships and four $5,000 scholarships among the candidates.

Scholarship Award Criteria:

- Candidate must be enrolled as a graduate or undergraduate student at an accredited college or university for the 2013-2014 Fall semester

- Candidate must have a declared major of Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry or a related life science field

- Graduate students must have received an accumulative undergraduate GPA of > 3.0 on a 4.0 scale

- Graduate students should be maintaining a GPA of > 3.0 on a 4.0 scale during Graduate School

- Sophomores and Juniors must have an accumulative college GPA of > 3.0 on a 4.0 scale

- Freshman must have an accumulative high school GPA of > 3.0 on a 4.0 scale

- Candidates must complete an application & submit unofficial transcripts [if selected, an official transcript will be required]

- Although not required for an application, references can be submitted to:
   Thermo Fisher Scientific
   Attn: Scholarship Reference
   3734 N. Meridian Rd
   Rockford, IL 61107
   or via email to [email protected].

- Deadline for applicants is July 31, 2013

*For official rules please visit: