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EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: Cardinale Lab at the School of Natural Resources has an immediate opening for a field research assistant...Apply by:

Monday, July 1, 2013
4:00 AM
Northern Michigan

We have an immediate opening for a temporary field position in the Cardinale Lab at the University of Michigan School of Natural Resources ( The position will be to work on project linking riparian tree biodiversity with streambank erosion rates in northern Michigan rivers and the position will last for the month of July. The work will consist of sampling riparian forests at sites in the Huron and Manistee National Forests along the Au Sable, Manistee, and Muskegon Rivers. These rivers include congressionally designated Wild and Scenic Rivers that are renowned destinations for canoeing through pristine forests which provide habitat for diverse wildlife including the endangered Kirtland's Warbler; and are also prime locations for anglers lured by the annual salmon and steelhead runs, as well as brown trout, small mouth bass and walleye.

Field Research Assistant (~$10-12.5/hr, depending on qualifications)

Preferred Qualifications: Currently enrolled in an undergraduate program (or recent graduate with BS) in biology, ecology, forestry, natural resources, or related field; ability to identify (or learn to identify) trees and shrubs in Northern Michigan riparian forests; experience with field research (particularly vegetation sampling); maturity and good people skills; interest in the work; and attention to detail. Experience canoeing on rivers and a valid drivers license with clean driving record would also be pluses. Field work will require working at least 4 days a week under sometimes arduous field conditions in remote locations, and may require camping. Expected start dateĀ July 1, ending by August, 2013.

Potential applicants should email a letter of interest and a resume/CV that documents relevant experience and skills (e.g., those related to Preferred Qualifications) to Daniel Allen ([email protected]) of the University of Michigan ( with "Temporary Field Position" in the subject line.