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SUMMER COURSE OFFERINGS: Association for Conservation of the Tropics is pleased to announce its 2013 field courses in tropical biology... Apply by:

Wednesday, May 1, 2013
4:00 AM
Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

Danta: Association for Conservation of the Tropics is pleased to announce its 2013 field courses in tropical biology. Our courses are intended for undergraduates or early graduate level students who have a keen interest in tropical biology and conservation, but have little or no experience of working in a tropical environment.  Participants may enroll on either a credit or non-credit basis.
Courses will be held in Costa Rica’s spectacular Osa Peninsula. As one of the largest tracts of rain forest north of the Amazon, this area is renowned for high animal and plant diversity. It is one of only a few places in Costa Rica that has jaguar, puma, sea turtles and four species of monkey. It is also home to nearly 4,000 plant species. All students participating in our programs will have opportunity to be involved in applied conservation (i.e., sea turtle monitoring and reforestation) and community service.
The courses also include a 4 day field trip which includes a visit to the Osa Wildlife Sanctuary and 2 night stay in Drake Bay with a snorkeling tour of Cano Island, one of Costa Rica’s premier dive spots. Here there is a good chance we will see white-tipped reef sharks, manta rays, sea turtles, dolphins and humpback whales. On the return trip from the island, we will explore the Terraba Sierpe Mangroves, which are accessible only by boat and consists of over 100,000 acres of the largest mangrove forest in Central America. The final day of the field trip we will visit the Boruca Indigenous Reserve where we will learn about their community and traditional lifeways. The field trip is in cooperation with Planet Conservation, our sustainable travel partner.
Course Offerings:
Primate Behavior and Conservation (June 4 – June 30, 2013). Dr. Marilyn Norconk, Anthropology, Kent State University and Dr. Jessica Westin, Kirkwood Community College, Iowa
Tropical Rain Forest and Wildlife Conservation (July 4 – July 15, 2013). Dr. Thomas Struhsaker, Evolutionary Anthropology, Duke University.


For more information, please visit our website at or email[email protected].

Hope to see you in Costa Rica!