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UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY: Summer Research at Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center... Apply by:

Friday, March 1, 2013
5:00 AM
Michigan State University Campus

Summer Experience for Undergraduates at Michigan State University

GLBRC at Michigan State University invites applications from undergraduate students interested in a career in bioenergy to participate in our Summer Experience for Undergraduates (SEU) program.

The program provides students with the opportunity to become engaged in an active research program in a scientific laboratory on the MSU campus. Faculty, postdoctoral associates, graduate students and/or research technicians will act as mentors for participants.

Students will contribute to the project by working in the laboratory alongside their mentors, participating in group meetings and activities, and attending seminars. At the end of the program, students will present short research project summaries of their work to their project team.

Opportunities on the MSU campus in East Lansing exist in multiple departments, including chemical engineering, biochemistry, plant biology, agricultural economics, microbiology, entomology, and crop sciences.


For those interested in ecological and environmental research opportunities related to bioenergy, please see the Kellogg Biological Station (KBS) REU site.


Program Dates: May 28 – August 2, 2013. Some flexibility is possible depending on the school schedules of the students and availability of the mentors.


Full time: 40 hours per week for 10 weeks. Students should not plan on taking any classes during the summer nor work for another department.


Total Stipend: $5,000 paid in one installment. In some circumstances, there may be the possibility of housing assistance of $1,000.


Eligibility: Students who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents enrolled in an accredited college or university and not an incoming freshman or graduating senior. Strong preference will be given to groups under-represented in science and students at colleges without strong research programs.


Application deadline: March 1, 2013.


For more information contact:
Jonathan Walton
Professor of Plant Biology
517-353-4885; [email protected]
For more information about the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center