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UNDERGRADUATE FELLOWSHIPS: LACS invites applications from undergraduate students enrolled in any UM school or program for fellowships... Apply by:

Saturday, March 30, 2013
4:00 AM


LACS invites applications from undergraduate students enrolled in any UM school or program for fellowships of up to 2000 dollars to support unpaid internship, research, or volunteer experiences in Brazil in the summer of 2013.  These fellowships may not be used for language study or other study abroad experiences.  Up to ten fellowships will be awarded for the summer of 2013.  Preference will be given to LACS majors and minors.

Application Deadline: March 30, 2013.

Applications should include: a cover sheet, a project narrative (no more than 500 words) describing the work proposed, any academic preparation you have done (including language study), and a budget including relevant expenses for travel and lodging as well as other sources of funding.  Please also include a letter of support from a sponsoring faculty member at UM or from the relevant sponsor in Brazil.  (For instance, if you propose an internship at an NGO or private company, a letter from someone at the NGO or company offering you the position).   Please see attached the application cover sheet.  Queries and applications should be sent to [email protected] with the subject line Brazil Undergraduate Fellowship.  Letters of support can be sent to the same address.