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Placement Exams


Language exams are for University of Michigan Ann Arbor students who are planning on furthering their language study (place-in) or wish to test out of a language requirement (place-out). 

Students with no prior knowledge of the language should not take the placement test and should instead enroll in the first semester of the language. Non-UM Ann Arbor students who require a proficiency exam should contact [email protected]


Students are encouraged to take a placement exam as early as possible in their studies to determine the level of study or if the language requirement can be met. This is extremely important to avoid delays in graduation due to complications with placement.

Please Note:

  • Registration is required and is noted below with the test date information. 
  • Exam Scheduling
    • Fall term is initially updated in early June, with details finalized by early August.
    • Winter term is updated in late November. 
    • Placement exams are offered during summer orientation for incoming first-year and transfer students.

Placement Exam Results:

  • Please contact the language director with questions about the language exam.
  • Exam results/placement are valid for one year.
  • Retakes are only permitted after the placement results expire.
    • *Under special circumstances, retakes within this one year time frame may be permitted. Please contact the language director.
  • It takes about seven business days for results to become available.
  • Students will not be notified of their score automatically. 
  • Students view placements via: Wolverine Access > Student Business > Academic Records > View Placement Exam Results.

LSA Language Requirement

  • For information about requesting a substitution or exception to the LSA Language requirement, please review the information on the Language Substitutions page of the LSA website. 
  • Students who fall within the following criteria have met LSA language requirement and should speak with their general advisor about updating their audit:
    • At least one year of high school where the medium of instruction was the native language.
    • Continuing instruction of native language throughout high school
    • "O" Level exam result of passing in any language other than English
    • "A" Level exam results of D or better in any language other than English
    • SAT II exam results of 600 of better in any language other than English.
    • IB exam results in High levels (HL) of 4 or above in any language

Exam Accommodations

  • Incoming or first-year students should contact the program director after you sign up for the exam to request accommodations.
  • Current students who have already registered with Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) should email a copy of your VISA letter to the program director with your request for accommodations at least two business days in advance of taking the exam.