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Read and Look | G is for Gladiator

Connie Powers, Docent
Saturday, February 1, 2025
11:15 AM-12:15 PM
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology Map
“A is for Archaeologist. Archaeologists uncover clues to life in Ancient Rome, revealing buried treasures: frescos, rings, a vase, and a comb.”

Join us for a kid-friendly tour of the Roman exhibits, centering on the Kelsey Museum’s new gladiator Kelsey in Focus case! We will begin by reading aloud some highlights from G is for Gladiator, written by Debbie and Michael Shoulders and illustrated by Victor Juhasz. Then we will explore the galleries to find artifacts pictured in the book—including brightly colored frescoes, mosaics, jewelry, coins, and toys. This tour is great for our younger visitors, ages 4–8. All children must be accompanied by an adult.

This event is free and open to all visitors. If you have any questions or concerns regarding accessing this event, please visit our accessibility page at or contact the education office by calling (734) 647-4167. We ask for advance notice as some accommodations may require more time for the university to arrange.
Building: Kelsey Museum of Archaeology
Event Type: Other
Tags: Ancient Rome, Archaeology, Children, Family, Free, Museum, Storytelling, Tour
Source: Happening @ Michigan from Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, Kelsey Museum of Archaeology Family Programs, Archaeology at Michigan