Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (CSE Division)
Igor L. Markov is a professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Michigan. He received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from UCLA, is currently an IEEE Fellow, and an ACM Distinguished Scientist. He served on editorial boards of several ACM and IEEE Transactions, and chaired tracks at DAC, ICCAD, ICCD, DATE and GLSVLSI. Prof. Markov's research is in applied algorithms, large-scale optimization, and computers that make computers. He has co-authored five books, four US patents, and over 200 refereed publications. During the 2011 redesign of the ACM Computing Classification System, Prof. Markov led the effort on the Hardware tree. He is the recipient of the NSF CAREER award, IEEE CEDA Early Career Award and ACM SIGDA Outstanding New Faculty Award.