Frederick Bartman Collegiate Professor of Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering
Office Information:
CSRB 2527A
Climate & Space Research Building
2455 Hayward Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2143
phone: 734.764.6561
Applied Physics Program
Ph.D. University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Electrical & Computer Engineering
B.A. Reed College, Physics
Research Interests:
Earth and Planetary Remote Sensing
Principal Investigator, NASA Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System Earth Venture Mission
Specializations and Research Interests
- Earth Environmental Remote Sensing:
- Global Navigation Satellite System Mission Execution
- Design and fabrication of next-generation satellite microwave radiometers
- Novel methods for maintaining high accuracy and stability calibration of satellite sensors to detect minute global change signatures
- Application of inversion techniques and multi-sensor assimilation to remote sensing
- Hardware and algorithmic aspects of satellite microwave radiometry
- Synthetic thinned aperture radiometry
- Mitigation of radio frequency interference
- Self-contained end-to-end radiometer calibration system
- Use of stationary statistical properties of upwelling radiances to constrain absolute accuracy and long term stability of satellite measurements
- Profiling of lower, middle and upper atmosphere using multispectral, multisensor and climatological databases
Professional Service:
- Editor in Chief, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (2009-2012)
- Member, URSI Commission F (Remote Sensing)
- Former Member, National Academies Committee on Radio Frequency
- Former Associate Editor, AGU Radio Science
- Former Guest Editor, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
- Former Guest Editor, AGU Radio Science
- Former Associate Editor, AMS Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
- Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
- Former Editor, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Newsletter
- Instrument Scientist, NASA TOPEX Microwave Radiometer
- Principal Investigator, Calibration/validation of US Navy GEOSAT Follow-On Water Vapor Radiometer
- Science Team Member, NASA Jason-1 Microwave Radiometer
- Science Team Member, NASA Aquarius Microwave Radiometer
- Developed new method for estimating the depth of the marine boundary layer (BLD) from space using horizontal turbulence structure of vertically integrated atmospheric water vapor
- Developed new method for absolute and relative calibration of spaceborne microwave radiometers using lower bound on a cumulative statistic of the measured radiance
- Advanced technologies in support of synthetic thinned aperture radiometer (STAR) in space (antenna arrays, real/synthetic aperture sharing, digital correlators, calibration techniques)
- Derived correction to standard model for pressure broadening of atmospheric absorption line of water vapor at 22.235 GHz based on microwave spectrometer observations
- 2014 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Outstanding Service Award
- 2006 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Prize Paper Award for Detection of RFI by its Amplitude Probability Distribution
- Fellow, IEEE (2001)
- IEEE Judith A. Resnik Technical Field Award, Contributions to the absolute calibration of spaceborne microwave radiometers (1999)
- IEEE Transactions on Geoscience & Remote Sensing Prize Paper Award, Retrieval of tropospheric water vapor scale height from horizontal turbulence (1997)
- NASA Group Achievement Award, Juno Proposal Team (2012)
- NASA Group Achievement Award, Aquarius Launch, Early Orbit Operations, and Commissioning (2012)
- NASA Group Achievement Award, Genesis and Rapid Intensification Processes (GRIP) Airborne Earth Science Mission (2011)
- NASA Group Achievement Award, Lightweight Rainfall Radiometer (2004)
- NASA Group Achievement Award, TOPEX Joint Verification Team (1994)
- NASA Group Achievement Award, TOPEX precision orbit determination (1993)
- NASA Group Achievement Award, TOPEX Microwave Radiometer (1993)
- NASA Certificate of Recognition, Piezoelectric reflecting array for reflector surface distortion compensation (1992)
- NASA Certificate of Recognition, Synthetic aperture interferometric radiometer image reconstruction error analysis (1992)
- NASA Certificate of Recognition, Sparse aperture interferometric radiometer – Refining the two-dimensional antenna configuration (1990)