Associate Research Professor of Nuclear Engineering
[email protected]Office Information:
1424A SRB, Climate & Space Research Building
2455 Hayward Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2143
phone: 734.615.6282
Ph.D. University of Michigan, Applied Physics, 2009A.B. with Honors, Bryn Mawr College, Physics, 2002
Research Interests:
The Center for Laser Experimental Astrophysical Research (CLEAR) models and creates hot, dense plasma to study the physical mechanisms that matter for astrophysical phenomena including supernova explosions, supernova remnant evolution, and the collisions of shock waves with molecular clouds. Our work involves both experiments and theory of astrophysical systems and plasmas. We model, design and create plasma experiments, analyze data and develop new diagnostic techniques.
- High-Energy-Density Physics
- Laboratory Astrophysics
- Hydrodynamic Instabilities
- Plasma Physics
- Radiation Hydrodynamics
- Magnetized Plasmas
Professional Service:
Member, Radiation dominated plasma and material properties panel, Research Needs Workshop on High
Energy Density Laboratory Plasmas, Rockville, MD, November 2009
Member, Executive Committee for the American Physical Society Topical Group of Plasma Astrophysics
Member, Interface and shear instabilities panel, Workshop on Opportunities in Plasma Astrophysics,
Princeton, NJ, January 2010
Reviewer, Department of Energy, Oce of Science Graduate Award Fellowship
Reviewer, Omega Laser Facility, Laboratory for Basic Science review panel, 2010-2013
Chair and organizer of Hydrodynamics of Supernovae and Astrophysical Jets in the Laboratory and the
Universe session in the American Astronomical Society Meeting-in-a-Meeting, Bridging Laboratory and
Astrophysics: Frontiers in Plasma Astrophysics
Member, Program Committee, American Physical Society, Division of Plasma Physics 2010,
2014, 2016
Member, Experimental Panel, Material Mixing Workshop, Santa Fe, NM, January 2011
Member, Panel on Work/Life Balance in Graduate School, Graduate Society of Women in Engineering
Judge, Michigan Institute of Plasma Studies Student Poster Session 2011
Member, Steering Committee, International Conference on High Energy Density Physics
(ICHED), 2011- present
Member, Scientic Organizing Committee of the International High Energy Density Lab-
oratory Astrophysics, 2012
Founding Chair, Jupiter Laser User Group, 2012 – present
Member, Executive Committee, Michigan Institute for Plasma Science and Engineering,
2012 – present
Chair, Subcommittee on High Energy Density Physics of the Division of Plasma Physics
Program Committee
Research Faculty Advisor, Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program, 2009-present
University of Michigan, Applied Physics Admissions Committee
Member at Large, Executive Committee, Division of Plasma Physics, 2014 – present
Member, AOSS Candidacy Exam Committee
Journal Referee
Physics of Plasmas
Journal of Instrumentation
New Journal of Physics
High Energy Density Physics
Ted Kennedy Family Faculty Team Excellence Award
American Astronomical Society Laboratory Astrophysics Division Early Career Award
Selected Publications (See CV for full list)
M. J-E. Manuel, C.C. Kuranz, A.M. Rasmus, S. Klein, M.J. Macdonald, M.R. Trantham, J.R. Fein, P.X. Belancourt, R.P. Young, P.A. Keiter, R.P. Drake, B.B. Pollack, J. Park, A.U. Hazi, G.J. Williams, and H. Chen, “Experimental results from magnetized-jet experiments at the Jupiter Laser Facility,” High Energy Density Physics, in press, 2015.
W.C. Wan , G. Malamud , A. Shimony, C.A. Di Stefano , M.R. Trantham, S.R. Klein, D. Shvarts, C.C. Kuranz, R.P. Drake, “Observation of single-mode, Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in a supersonicow” Physical Review Letters , 115 , 145001 (2015).
C.M. Huntington, F. Fiuza, J.S. Ross, A.B. Zylstra, R.P. Drake, D.H. Froula, G. Gregori, N.L. Kugland, C.C. Kuranz, M.C. Levy, C.K. Li, J. Meinecke, T. Morita, R. Petrasso, C. Plechaty, B.A. Remington, D.D. Ryutov, Y. Sakawa, A. Spitkovsky, H. Takabe and H.-S. Park, “Observation of magnetic eld generation via the Weibel instability in interpenetrating plasma ows,” Nature Physics , 11 , 173-176 (2015). DOI:10.1038/NPHYS3178
C.A. Di Stefano, G. Malamud, C.C. Kuranz, S.R. Klein, C. Stoeckl, R.P. Drake “Richtmyer-Meshkov mode coupling under steady shock conditions in the high-energy-density regime” Applied Physics Letters , 106 , 114103 (2015). DOI:10.1063/1.4915303
C.A. Di Stefano, C. C. Kuranz, J. F. Seely, A.G.R. Thomas, R. P. Drake, P. A. Keiter, G. J. Williams, J. Park, H. Chen, M. J. MacDonald, A. Rasmus, W.C. Wan, N.R. Pereira, A.S. Joglekar, A. McKelvey, Z. Zhao, S.R. Klein, E. Kemp, L. C. Jarrott, C.M. Krauland, J. Peebles, and B. Westover, “Observations of energetic electron propagation after picosecond laser irradiation,” Physics of Plasmas , 22 043113 (2015). DOI:10.1063/1.4917325
C. K. Li, D. D. Ryutov, S. X. Hu, M. J. Rosenberg, A. B. Zylstra, F. H. Sguin, J. A. Frenje, D. T. Casey, M. Gatu Johnson,M. J-E. Manuel, H. G. Rinderknecht, R. D. Petrasso, P. A. Amendt, H. S. Park, B. A. Remington, S. C. Wilks, R. Betti, D. H. Froula, J. P. Knauer, D. D. Meyerhofer, R. P. Drake, C. C. Kuranz, R. Young, and M. Koenig, “Structure and Dynamics of Colliding Plasma Jets,” Physical Review Letters , 111 , 235003 (2013). DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.235003
C. A. Di Stefano, G. Malamud, M. T. Henry de Frahan, C. C. Kuranz, A. Shimony, S. R. Klein, R P. Drake, E. Johnsen, D. Shvarts, V. A. Smalyuk, D. Martinez, “Observation and modeling of mixing-layer development in high-energy-density, blast-wave-driven shear ow,” Physics of Plasmas , 21 , 056306 (2014). DOI:10.1063/1.4872223
J. Meinecke, H. Doyle, F, Miniati, A. Bell, R. Bingham, R. Crowston, R. P. Drake, M. Fatenejad, M. Koenig, Y. Kuramitsu, C. Kuranz, D. Lamb, D. Lee, M. MacDonald, C. Murphy, H.S. Park, A. Pelka, A. Ravasio, Y. Sakawa, A. Schekochihin, A. Scopatz, P. Tzeferacos, W. Wan, N. Woolsey, R. Yurchak, B. Reville, and G. Gregori, “Turbulent amplication of magnetic elds in laboratory laser-produced shock waves,” Nature Physics , 10 , 520-524 (2014). DOI:10.1038/NPHYS2978
G. Malamud, A. Shimony, W.C. Wan, C.A. Di Stefano, Y. Elbaz, C.C. Kuranz, P.A. Keiter, R.P. Drake, D. Shvarts, “A design of a two-dimensional, supersonic KH experiment on OMEGA-EP,” High Energy Density Physics , 9 , 672-696 (2013). DOI:10.1016/j.hedp.2013.06.002
C.C. Kuranz, R.P. Drake, C.M. Huntington, C.M. Krauland, M. Trantham, M.J. Grosskopf, S.R. Klein, D.C. Marion, \Early-time evolution of a radiative shock,” High Energy Density Physics , 2 , 315-318 (2013). DOI:10.1016/j.hedp.2012.12.012
N.L. Kugland, J.S. Ross, P.-Y. Chang, R.P. Drake, G. Fiksel, D.H. Froula, S.H. Glenzer, G. Gregori, M. Grosskopf, C. Huntington, M. Koenig, Y. Kuramitsu, C. Kuranz, M.C. Levy, E. Liang, D. Martinez, J. Meinecke, F. Minati, T. Morita, A. Pelka, C. Plechaty, R. Presura, A. Ravisio, B.A. Remington, B. Reville, D. Ryutov, Y. Sakawa, A. Spitkovsky, H. Takabe, and H.S. Park, “Visualizing electromagneticelds in laser-produce counter-streaming plasma experiments for collisionless shock laboratory astrophysics,” Physics of Plasmas , 20 , 056313 (2013). DOI:10.1063/1.4804548
C.C. Kuranz, R.P. Drake,C.M. Krauland, D.C. Marion, M.J. Grosskopf, E. Rutter, B. Torralva, J.P.Holloway, D. Bingham, J. Goh, T.R. Boehly, and A.T. Sorce, “Initial conditions of radiative shock experiments,” Physics of Plasmas , 5 , 056321 (2013). DOI:10.1063/1.4805021
C.M. Krauland, R.P. Drake, C.C. Kuranz, R. Sweeney, M. Grosskopf, S. Klein, R. Gillespie, P. A. Keiter, B. Loupias, and E. Falize, “Radiative reverse shock laser experiments relevant to accretion processes in cataclysmic variables,” Physics of Plasmas , 5 , 056502 (2013). DOI:10.1063/1.4805023
C.A. Di Stefano, C.C. Kuranz, P.A. Keiter, S.R. Klein, D.C. Marion, R.P. Drake,\Late-time breakup of laser-driven hydrodynamics experiments,” High Energy Density Physics , 8 , 4 (2012). DOI:10.1016/j.hedp.2012.09.006
C.M Krauland, R.P. Drake, C.C. Kuranz, B. Loupias, T. Plewa, C.M. Huntington, D.N. Kaczala, S. Klein, R. Sweeney, R.P. Young, E. Falize, B. Villette, P. A. Keiter, “Reverse radiative shock laser experiments relevant to accreting stream-disk impact in interacting binaries,” Astrophysical Journal Letters , 762 , L2 (2013). DOI:10.1088/2041-8205/762/1/L2 A.G.R. Thomas, M. Sherlock, C.C. Kuranz, C.P. Ridgers, R.P. Drake, “Hybrid Vlasov-Fokker-Planck- Maxwell simulations of fast electron transport and the time dependance of K-shell excitation in a mid-Z metallic target,” New Journal of Physics , 15 , 015017 (2013). DOI:10.1088/1367-2630/15/1/015017
C.M. Krauland, L.C. Jarrott, R.P. Drake, P.A. Keiter, C.C. Kuranz, B. Westover, H. Sawada, D.N. Kaczala, P. Bonoglo, “An evaluation of high energy Bremsstrahlung background in point-projection x-ray radiography experiments,” Review of Scientic Instruments , 83 , 10E528 (2012). DOI:10.1063/1.4738649
O.A. Hurricane, V.A. Smalyuk, K. Raman, O. Schilling, J.F. Hansen, G. Langsta, D. Martinez, H.-S. Park, B.A. Remington, H.F. Robey, J.A. Greenough, R. Wallace, C.A. Di Stefano, R.P. Drake, D. Marion, C.M. Krauland, and C.C. Kuranz, “Validation of a Turbulent Kelvin-Helmholtz Shear Layer Model Using a High-Energy-Density OMEGA Laser Experiment,” Physical Review Letters , 109 , 155004, 2012. DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.155004
N.L Kugland, D.D. Ryutov, P.-Y. Chang, R.P. Drake, G. Fiksel, D.H. Froula, G. Gregori, M. Grosskopf, M. Koenig, Y. Kuramitsu, C. Kuranz, M.C. Levy, L. Liang, J. Meinecke, F. Miniati, T. Morita, A Pelka, C. Plechaty, R. Presura, A. Ravisio, B.A. Remington, B. Revile, J.S. ross, Y. Sakawa, A. Spitkovsky, H. Takabe, H.-.S Park, “Self-organized electromagnetic eld structures in laser-produced counterstreaming plasmas,” Nature Physics 8 , 809-812 (2012). DOI:110.1038/NPHYS2434
Research Interests:
The Center for Laser Experimental Astrophysical Research (CLEAR) models and creates hot, dense plasma to study the physical mechanisms that matter for astrophysical phenomena including supernova explosions, supernova remnant evolution, and the collisions of shock waves with molecular clouds. Our work involves both experiments and theory of astrophysical systems and plasmas. We model, design and create plasma experiments, analyze data and develop new diagnostic techniques.
- High-Energy-Density Physics
- Laboratory Astrophysics
- Hydrodynamic Instabilities
- Plasma Physics
- Radiation Hydrodynamics
- Magnetized Plasmas
Professional Service:
Member, Radiation dominated plasma and material properties panel, Research Needs Workshop on High
Energy Density Laboratory Plasmas, Rockville, MD, November 2009
Member, Executive Committee for the American Physical Society Topical Group of Plasma Astrophysics
Member, Interface and shear instabilities panel, Workshop on Opportunities in Plasma Astrophysics,
Princeton, NJ, January 2010
Reviewer, Department of Energy, Oce of Science Graduate Award Fellowship
Reviewer, Omega Laser Facility, Laboratory for Basic Science review panel, 2010-2013
Chair and organizer of Hydrodynamics of Supernovae and Astrophysical Jets in the Laboratory and the
Universe session in the American Astronomical Society Meeting-in-a-Meeting, Bridging Laboratory and
Astrophysics: Frontiers in Plasma Astrophysics
Member, Program Committee, American Physical Society, Division of Plasma Physics 2010,
2014, 2016
Member, Experimental Panel, Material Mixing Workshop, Santa Fe, NM, January 2011
Member, Panel on Work/Life Balance in Graduate School, Graduate Society of Women in Engineering
Judge, Michigan Institute of Plasma Studies Student Poster Session 2011
Member, Steering Committee, International Conference on High Energy Density Physics
(ICHED), 2011- present
Member, Scientic Organizing Committee of the International High Energy Density Lab-
oratory Astrophysics, 2012
Founding Chair, Jupiter Laser User Group, 2012 – present
Member, Executive Committee, Michigan Institute for Plasma Science and Engineering,
2012 – present
Chair, Subcommittee on High Energy Density Physics of the Division of Plasma Physics
Program Committee
Research Faculty Advisor, Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program, 2009-present
University of Michigan, Applied Physics Admissions Committee
Member at Large, Executive Committee, Division of Plasma Physics, 2014 – present
Member, AOSS Candidacy Exam Committee
Journal Referee
Physics of Plasmas
Journal of Instrumentation
New Journal of Physics
High Energy Density Physics
Ted Kennedy Family Faculty Team Excellence Award
American Astronomical Society Laboratory Astrophysics Division Early Career Award
Selected Publications (See CV for full list)
M. J-E. Manuel, C.C. Kuranz, A.M. Rasmus, S. Klein, M.J. Macdonald, M.R. Trantham, J.R. Fein, P.X. Belancourt, R.P. Young, P.A. Keiter, R.P. Drake, B.B. Pollack, J. Park, A.U. Hazi, G.J. Williams, and H. Chen, “Experimental results from magnetized-jet experiments at the Jupiter Laser Facility,” High Energy Density Physics, in press, 2015.
W.C. Wan , G. Malamud , A. Shimony, C.A. Di Stefano , M.R. Trantham, S.R. Klein, D. Shvarts, C.C. Kuranz, R.P. Drake, “Observation of single-mode, Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in a supersonicow” Physical Review Letters , 115 , 145001 (2015).
C.M. Huntington, F. Fiuza, J.S. Ross, A.B. Zylstra, R.P. Drake, D.H. Froula, G. Gregori, N.L. Kugland, C.C. Kuranz, M.C. Levy, C.K. Li, J. Meinecke, T. Morita, R. Petrasso, C. Plechaty, B.A. Remington, D.D. Ryutov, Y. Sakawa, A. Spitkovsky, H. Takabe and H.-S. Park, “Observation of magnetic eld generation via the Weibel instability in interpenetrating plasma ows,” Nature Physics , 11 , 173-176 (2015). DOI:10.1038/NPHYS3178
C.A. Di Stefano, G. Malamud, C.C. Kuranz, S.R. Klein, C. Stoeckl, R.P. Drake “Richtmyer-Meshkov mode coupling under steady shock conditions in the high-energy-density regime” Applied Physics Letters , 106 , 114103 (2015). DOI:10.1063/1.4915303
C.A. Di Stefano, C. C. Kuranz, J. F. Seely, A.G.R. Thomas, R. P. Drake, P. A. Keiter, G. J. Williams, J. Park, H. Chen, M. J. MacDonald, A. Rasmus, W.C. Wan, N.R. Pereira, A.S. Joglekar, A. McKelvey, Z. Zhao, S.R. Klein, E. Kemp, L. C. Jarrott, C.M. Krauland, J. Peebles, and B. Westover, “Observations of energetic electron propagation after picosecond laser irradiation,” Physics of Plasmas , 22 043113 (2015). DOI:10.1063/1.4917325
C. K. Li, D. D. Ryutov, S. X. Hu, M. J. Rosenberg, A. B. Zylstra, F. H. Sguin, J. A. Frenje, D. T. Casey, M. Gatu Johnson,M. J-E. Manuel, H. G. Rinderknecht, R. D. Petrasso, P. A. Amendt, H. S. Park, B. A. Remington, S. C. Wilks, R. Betti, D. H. Froula, J. P. Knauer, D. D. Meyerhofer, R. P. Drake, C. C. Kuranz, R. Young, and M. Koenig, “Structure and Dynamics of Colliding Plasma Jets,” Physical Review Letters , 111 , 235003 (2013). DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.235003
C. A. Di Stefano, G. Malamud, M. T. Henry de Frahan, C. C. Kuranz, A. Shimony, S. R. Klein, R P. Drake, E. Johnsen, D. Shvarts, V. A. Smalyuk, D. Martinez, “Observation and modeling of mixing-layer development in high-energy-density, blast-wave-driven shear ow,” Physics of Plasmas , 21 , 056306 (2014). DOI:10.1063/1.4872223
J. Meinecke, H. Doyle, F, Miniati, A. Bell, R. Bingham, R. Crowston, R. P. Drake, M. Fatenejad, M. Koenig, Y. Kuramitsu, C. Kuranz, D. Lamb, D. Lee, M. MacDonald, C. Murphy, H.S. Park, A. Pelka, A. Ravasio, Y. Sakawa, A. Schekochihin, A. Scopatz, P. Tzeferacos, W. Wan, N. Woolsey, R. Yurchak, B. Reville, and G. Gregori, “Turbulent amplication of magnetic elds in laboratory laser-produced shock waves,” Nature Physics , 10 , 520-524 (2014). DOI:10.1038/NPHYS2978
G. Malamud, A. Shimony, W.C. Wan, C.A. Di Stefano, Y. Elbaz, C.C. Kuranz, P.A. Keiter, R.P. Drake, D. Shvarts, “A design of a two-dimensional, supersonic KH experiment on OMEGA-EP,” High Energy Density Physics , 9 , 672-696 (2013). DOI:10.1016/j.hedp.2013.06.002
C.C. Kuranz, R.P. Drake, C.M. Huntington, C.M. Krauland, M. Trantham, M.J. Grosskopf, S.R. Klein, D.C. Marion, \Early-time evolution of a radiative shock,” High Energy Density Physics , 2 , 315-318 (2013). DOI:10.1016/j.hedp.2012.12.012
N.L. Kugland, J.S. Ross, P.-Y. Chang, R.P. Drake, G. Fiksel, D.H. Froula, S.H. Glenzer, G. Gregori, M. Grosskopf, C. Huntington, M. Koenig, Y. Kuramitsu, C. Kuranz, M.C. Levy, E. Liang, D. Martinez, J. Meinecke, F. Minati, T. Morita, A. Pelka, C. Plechaty, R. Presura, A. Ravisio, B.A. Remington, B. Reville, D. Ryutov, Y. Sakawa, A. Spitkovsky, H. Takabe, and H.S. Park, “Visualizing electromagneticelds in laser-produce counter-streaming plasma experiments for collisionless shock laboratory astrophysics,” Physics of Plasmas , 20 , 056313 (2013). DOI:10.1063/1.4804548
C.C. Kuranz, R.P. Drake,C.M. Krauland, D.C. Marion, M.J. Grosskopf, E. Rutter, B. Torralva, J.P.Holloway, D. Bingham, J. Goh, T.R. Boehly, and A.T. Sorce, “Initial conditions of radiative shock experiments,” Physics of Plasmas , 5 , 056321 (2013). DOI:10.1063/1.4805021
C.M. Krauland, R.P. Drake, C.C. Kuranz, R. Sweeney, M. Grosskopf, S. Klein, R. Gillespie, P. A. Keiter, B. Loupias, and E. Falize, “Radiative reverse shock laser experiments relevant to accretion processes in cataclysmic variables,” Physics of Plasmas , 5 , 056502 (2013). DOI:10.1063/1.4805023
C.A. Di Stefano, C.C. Kuranz, P.A. Keiter, S.R. Klein, D.C. Marion, R.P. Drake,\Late-time breakup of laser-driven hydrodynamics experiments,” High Energy Density Physics , 8 , 4 (2012). DOI:10.1016/j.hedp.2012.09.006
C.M Krauland, R.P. Drake, C.C. Kuranz, B. Loupias, T. Plewa, C.M. Huntington, D.N. Kaczala, S. Klein, R. Sweeney, R.P. Young, E. Falize, B. Villette, P. A. Keiter, “Reverse radiative shock laser experiments relevant to accreting stream-disk impact in interacting binaries,” Astrophysical Journal Letters , 762 , L2 (2013). DOI:10.1088/2041-8205/762/1/L2 A.G.R. Thomas, M. Sherlock, C.C. Kuranz, C.P. Ridgers, R.P. Drake, “Hybrid Vlasov-Fokker-Planck- Maxwell simulations of fast electron transport and the time dependance of K-shell excitation in a mid-Z metallic target,” New Journal of Physics , 15 , 015017 (2013). DOI:10.1088/1367-2630/15/1/015017
C.M. Krauland, L.C. Jarrott, R.P. Drake, P.A. Keiter, C.C. Kuranz, B. Westover, H. Sawada, D.N. Kaczala, P. Bonoglo, “An evaluation of high energy Bremsstrahlung background in point-projection x-ray radiography experiments,” Review of Scientic Instruments , 83 , 10E528 (2012). DOI:10.1063/1.4738649
O.A. Hurricane, V.A. Smalyuk, K. Raman, O. Schilling, J.F. Hansen, G. Langsta, D. Martinez, H.-S. Park, B.A. Remington, H.F. Robey, J.A. Greenough, R. Wallace, C.A. Di Stefano, R.P. Drake, D. Marion, C.M. Krauland, and C.C. Kuranz, “Validation of a Turbulent Kelvin-Helmholtz Shear Layer Model Using a High-Energy-Density OMEGA Laser Experiment,” Physical Review Letters , 109 , 155004, 2012. DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.155004
N.L Kugland, D.D. Ryutov, P.-Y. Chang, R.P. Drake, G. Fiksel, D.H. Froula, G. Gregori, M. Grosskopf, M. Koenig, Y. Kuramitsu, C. Kuranz, M.C. Levy, L. Liang, J. Meinecke, F. Miniati, T. Morita, A Pelka, C. Plechaty, R. Presura, A. Ravisio, B.A. Remington, B. Revile, J.S. ross, Y. Sakawa, A. Spitkovsky, H. Takabe, H.-.S Park, “Self-organized electromagnetic eld structures in laser-produced counterstreaming plasmas,” Nature Physics 8 , 809-812 (2012). DOI:110.1038/NPHYS2434