The 2018 Nobel Prize in physics was awarded Tuesday, October 2nd to Arthur Ashkin, Applied physics Emeritus Faculty Gérard Mourou and Donna Strickland for their pioneering work to turn lasers into powerful tools.

From our Applied Physics Alumni on Professor Mourou:

"Having worked with Gerard Mourou for 6 years of my life, I am not the least of surprised that he supervised the first female Physics Laureate in decades. His greatest gift as an advisor was his faith in my ability to achieve my goals and his!" Dr J. Bianca Jackson

"My doctoral thesis adviser, Gérard Mourou, received a share of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics, for his work, along with his graduate student, Donna Strickland, for the development of the chirped, pulsed amplification of ultrashort laser pulses.  I congratulate Gérard for his many accomplishments, and the recognition by this award.  It was my great pleasure to work under his guidance for four years."  Dr. Peter Diehr