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Graduate Students

Elijah Ash
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Erina Baci
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Paula Batista
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Ian Beggen
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Annie Birkeland
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Adeli Block
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Laura Bossio
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Clara Brandon
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Ella Brown
Doctoral Candidate in Biological Anthropology
Matthew Brown
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Amelia Burke
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology and History
Celia Marilley Burke
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Yun Chen
Doctoral Student in Social Work and Anthropology
Felipe Coimbra Moretti
Doctoral Student in Anthropology and History
Francesca Conterno
Doctoral Student in Anthropology and History
Paloma Contreras Zúñiga
Doctoral Candidate in Biological Anthropology
4085 East Hall
Spencer Cook
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Ayleen Paola Correa
Doctoral Student in Anthropology and History
Ashani Coviello
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Chantal Croteau
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Ying Cui
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
School of Education
Museum of Anthropological Archaeology
Room 3024
Dejan Duric
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology and American Culture
Gene Estrada
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Angela Feak
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Soren Frykholm
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Dan Garner
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Colin Garon
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology and History
Alexandre Gategeko
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Manvinder Gill
Doctoral Student in Social Work and Anthropology
Zhaneta Gjyshja
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Nesrien Hamid
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Wenliang Han
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Matthew Hiller
Doctoral Student in Social Work and Anthropology
Hannah Hoover
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
3010 School of Education Building
Salman Hussain
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology and History
Melissa Itzkowitz
Doctoral Student in Anthropology and Juris Doctorate Candidate
Islam Jaffal
Doctoral Student in Anthropology and History
Nelson Jean-Francois
Doctoral Student in Social Work and Anthropology
Alex Jreisat
Doctoral Student in Anthropology and History
Nicolás Juárez
Doctoral Student in Social Work and Anthropology
Azar Kafaei
Doctoral candidate in Anthropology
Simran Kang
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Drosos Kardulias
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Sophie Katz
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Israa Khalifa
Doctoral Student in Anthropology and History
Seohyung Kim
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Edmond Kimulwo
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Abdul Kizito
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Stephen Kolison
Doctoral Student in Anthropology and History
Amy Kuritzky
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Adrienne Lagman
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Jennifer Larios
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Kara Larson
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Jordan Lucore
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Orven Mallari
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Amir Marshi
Doctoral Student in Anthropology and History
Dominic Mayo
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Ashley McDermott
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Promise McEntire
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Karandeep Mehra
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Brett Meyer
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Leah Michalove
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Isaac Mier
Doctoral Student in Anthropology and History
McKensey Miller
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Carrie Ann Morgan
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Aspen Vera Mulvey
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
James Munene
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Sharifah Namaganda
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Brendan Nash
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Caroline New
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Kai Ngu
Doctoral Student in Anthropology and History
Georgia Oppenheim
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Emily Orlikoff
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Talitha Pam
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology and History
Swagat Pani
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology and History
Gyorgyi Parditka
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Janaki Phillips
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Irene Promodh
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Calli Quire
Doctoral Student in Biological Anthropology
West Hall 420
Simon Rakei
Doctoral Student in Anthropology and History
Kristi Rhead
Doctoral Student in Anthropology and History
Leela Riesz
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Reuben Riggs-Bookman
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology and History
Irene Routté
Doctoral Student in Social Work and Anthropology
Dima Saad
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology and History
Ally Sabo
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Kimberly Sanchez
Doctoral Candidiate in Anthropology
Noelia Santana
Doctoral Candidate in Linguistic Anthropology
Megan Savoy
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Matthew Schissler
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Julian Schultz
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Rowan Sherwood
Doctoral Candidate in Biological Anthropology
Marsya Sibarani
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Jennifer Sierra
PhD Candidate in Linguistic Anthropology
Shen Swartout
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Eryn Talevich
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Sarah Taylor
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Iride Tomazic
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Nicholas Trudeau
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Moniek van Rheenen
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Daniel Varela
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology and History
Lukas Vrbka
Candidate in Sociocultural Anthropology
Yuanping Wang
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Joseph Wardle
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Lai Wo
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology
Ruize Xu
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
InHae Yap
Doctoral Student in Anthropology
Qi Yi
Doctoral Student in Anthropology